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PUPDATE 30/12/2022
I'm super excited to announce
that my Shopify is finally done

I'ts been a crazy labour of love
months and months of product
designing, self manufacturing
and just intensely granular
work lol

I'm very proud of what I've 
achieved though

The new year is something I'm
both nervous and excited about

I've been working very hard
towards my own self improvement

I'm starting with my new music
mentors, and with my new P.A
who is super nice, and I've
been structuring my new
schedule to include all of the
new skills I want to improve
and hone

Gamedev and music
are two things I've always
wanted to explore more
and I'm so proud of myself
for finally learning how to
make my own dressup game!
That was a dream of mine for
a very long time

Anyway, here's to the New Year
and making the best of it,
taking care of myself and
continuing to better myself
in all the ways that I can